Monday, March 22, 2010

Back from break and onto the Gita and Hamlet. By way of duty(as opposed to sacred duty, though indeed perhaps there is only a hairsbreadth, nose-tipped distinction), our individual presentations begin on April 9, in our group order reversed. These will be turned in to Mr. Sexson, who will be serving the function, here and now, of an avatar(a divine being coming down to the mortal world and assuming mortal form for the sake for the instruction of mortal beings). Because really we all need some kind of avatar, do instruct us in the comprehension of sacrifice. Sacrifice literally means "to make sacred" and it is our dharma( sanscrit for "duty", though often translated as "truth" or "responsibility" which may seem less stringent than duty) which can lead us to sacrifice in the correct way.

But it had to be pointed out, that the Bhagavad Gita and To the Lighthouse intersect, on page 63, where Mrs. Ramsey and the Lighthouse are one. This is the notion from the Vedic scriptures, whereby atman and brahman are one and the same. There is no distinction between the divine being and the Self. Leave it to Virgina to understand this and apply it to the dishwater dull common life.

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