Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The sharing of diamonds from The Dead continued today. It was also pointed out by Loomis(also according to Loomis) that there are five sections of the story.
1. Musicale
4.Drive to hotel
The last is of course the great moment to which everything had been building, and it is also where the still point is. Relating of course to the lines from Burnt Norton: "at the still point of the turning world, there the dance is."

It is also mentionable that Gabriel and Michael are of course the names of archangels, further pushing the contrast between the two in the story: Gabriel is so at pains to keep the elements at bay(such as with the galoshes and refusing to go outside), and Micheal Furey stood in the rain, literally meeting his death for the sake of showing Gretta he loved her.

And the connection between Michael Furey and the song that is sung, The Lass of Aughrim. It tells the story of a young woman who has been seduced, impregnated and abandoned, and who is standing outside of the man's house in the rain, with the dead baby in her arms. So Gretta's epiphany even has an element of connecting Michael Furey with the story in the song rather than just the song itself. This was something that it had not occured to me to consider until it was mentioned this morning.

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